Yet another student was found dead in Asaram Bapu Ashram school in Chhindwara, Madhya Pradesh, on Thursday. The ashram is already under the scanner due to the discovery of the body of a four-year-old boy, Ram Krishna Yadav, near the hostel toilet on Tuesday. Earlier this month, two more students of the ashram’s Ahmedabad branch were found dead.
Like Ram Krishna, Vedant Manmode, 5, was found in the hostel bathroom. Ashram inmates rushed him to hospital, where he was declared dead. School doctor Lokesh Sharma said Vedant was found with his head in a bucket of water, leading to suspicion.
The police haven’t lodged a complaint as the boy’s father, who hails from Maharashtra, said he didn’t suspect foul play.
But Chhindwara SP RK Shivhare said: “Prima facie evidence has established it is a case of foul play.” IG (Jabalpur Range) MR Krishna said post-mortem reports in both cases were awaited. “The matter is serious and will be probed at a high level.”
Additional District Magistrate Chandrashekhar Neelkanth has ordered a magisterial probe. As the news spread, a mob attacked the school and parents rushed in to get their children. Social and political activists were up in arms.
In Ahmedabad, the discovery of the bodies of Deepesh and Abhishek Vaghela, aged 11 and 12, from the Sabarmati riverbed had triggered widespread violence.
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