
In India, 2,000 Hindus `reborn'

By Aijaz Ansari
Associated Press
Article Launched: 05/28/2007 02:48:30 AM PDT

MUMBAI, India - About 2,000 low-caste Hindu Indians bowed before orange-robed monks and recited prayers as they converted to Buddhism in a ceremony Sunday that they said would bring them dignity in a society that considers them "untouchables."

"I feel like I have been reborn," Mahi, a farmer who uses only one name, said at the ceremony in Mumbai. "This is my rebirth."

Organizers said the ceremony was conducted in the spirit of B.R. Ambedkar, an untouchable, or dalit, who fought British colonial rule and injustice in Indian society. Ambedkar, the chief architect of the Indian Constitution that outlawed discrimination based on caste, renounced Hinduism for Buddhism in 1956 because he believed it treated people equally. He died that same year.

Buddhists form a small minority in mostly Hindu India.  read full news here. http://www.mercurynews.com/politics/ci_6004822

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